The 100 most beautiful women in the world of 2021 according to “The Independent critic list”
More than 100 million people voted among more than 10 million candidates who chose the 100 most beautiful women in the world of 2021.
Most beautiful women in the world of 2021
Let’s start now with the list:
100. Natalie Portman
24 years appearing on the list
“Most appearances of all time”
Natalie Portman is an American-born Israeli actress, writer, director, dancer, film producer, and psychologist.
99. Priyanka Chopra
7 years appearing on the list
“She’s in your head”
Priyanka Chopra is an Indian actress and singer. Before the start of her acting career, she worked as a model. She gained fame and notoriety after winning the Miss World 2000 title.
It may also interest you: 10 photos of Priyanka Chopra that show her beauty
98. Eva de Dominici
new to the list
“Always camera ready”
Eva Carolina Quattrocchi, better known as Eva De Dominici, is an Argentine actress and model.
97. Eden Fines
new to the list
“Paradise parking tickets”
Israeli model and actress best known for her role as Lilac on the Israeli television series Bney Or.
96. Margot Robbie
7 years appearing on the list
Gotham city siren
Margot Elise Robbie is an Australian actress, model and film producer. Raised on a farm, Robbie had to work from an early age to help support her family after her father abandoned her.